Exhibition 2010/2011
The gallery Bob Gysin is proud to present paintings of Karin Schwarzbek for the first time. She received the 4th cultural scholarship of Berlin from the Thurgauer Wirtschaft and will be living and working in Berlin for the next six months. The product of her producing will be presented in the art museum Thurgau, the Kartause Ittingen, next year.
The painting of Karin Schwarzbek deals with the human body. In the early, small format paintings with wooden panels as support, the artist examines human extremities, primarily the occiput and legs. While these creations still show objective features, the most recent paintings show quite abstract bodies. Faces hidden behind hair evoke, through the subtly chosen picture detail and perspective, landscape views. Often, themes develop while painting – several levels are hidden in each finished piece – how and when the distillate manifests itself in pictorial form is often the product of a long identification process.
The theme ranges between abstraction and concreteness, and it vanishes in the eye of the uncertain beholder, a state of uncertainty between anticipation and awareness sets in. Contemplation resonates in the work of the artist: while the early panel paintings show the influence of icons with their representations of Mary, the meditative component of a Mark Rothko is noticeable in her current paintings.
The painting of Karin Schwarzbek is complex, she rotates around the object. The expression is reduced and concentrated. Motifs come back in variations, fragments leave room for interpretation and leave a fascination of interspace, insight, symmetry and rapport.
With the work of Karin Schwarzbek, we complement our programme with another position in the field of painting. We cordially invite you to the opening and exhibition.