Exhibition 2013
Dominique Lämmli returned from India in the beginning of March 2013. The artist was chosen for the Indo-Swiss Residency Exchange scholarship by the artists-in-labs Program of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The three-months stay the the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bangalore was supported by Pro Helvetia and Swissnex. Intermedial and interdisciplinary working strongly related to research activity in drawing/painting, arts and globalization as well as methodical reflection have been characteristic for her work (see also foa-flux.net). Now, Galerie Bob Gysin proudly presents Dominique Lämmli's new works.
The artist's work is characterized in equal manner by a conceptual approach and process-oriented image development during painting. Some ideas become visible through the use of chosen media while other images are constituted only during the creation process. The artists play with several production means such as UV printing, lithography, gouache painting and digital animation.
One element which connects all current works is the artist's interest to simultaneously disclose different perspectives and points of reference. Thus, the nine-piece paper work "Detected Worlds from Above" consisting of many layers and different color materials is inspired by perspectives which observe, measure and structure our world from above in a more or less detailed way.
The paintings "Watery Landscapes" play with ambivalent perceptions of water conditioned by nearly natural but also polluted water landscapes. Colors such as brown and yellow imply pollution but can also have their origin in peaty soils. Despite the opaque color, the water is of course clean.
The concomitance of far and wide is shown in "Far and Wide". On closer consideration, small drawings can be discovered in the lithographs' green vegetation. Do we deal with microcosm or macrocosm
Dominique Lämmli succeeds in telling stories by precisely using colors, structural elements, textures and utilizing the characteristics of the different media and color materials. Let's become part of the artist's universe.